The Science Behind The Boxing Hook

When learned and executed correctly, the hook is one of the most effective punches you can throw when operating at close to mid-range. 
Both lead and rear hooks actually generate much faster peak hand speed than jabs or crosses - this is because of the core rotation, shoulder flexion and adduction, prior counter-movement, and extended acceleration path that are characteristic of a well-performed hook. 
But there’s a catch - it actually takes 34% longer to land a hook compared to a straight shot, which means that your opponent has more time to react and evade your incoming hook. 
So what does that mean? How can you use your hooks most effectively?
It all comes down to technique and strategy! 
Punch power is mostly due to great punching technique - that means understanding muscle mechanics and how to optimise their functions. You could have incredible core and lower-body strength, but if your technique is lacking then your hook won’t generate the most force it possibly can. Once you’ve developed a mean hook, its all about learning how to incorporate it into offensive & defensive strategies and counter-attacks - recognising the perfect opportunity to throw that fight-winning hook. 
So if you want to learn how to optimise your muscle functions and develop the most accurate, forceful hook in Hong Kong, then hop onto Punchpass and book in for your next session with us!

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