Agility In Boxing

There are many aspects to agility in boxing: the physical & the mental are two that we focus on developing here at Basic Reflex.
Physical agility is your ability to move around quickly and easily, to stop, start and change directions with ease, speed and accuracy - to “float like a butterfly” essentially. At Basic Reflex, we incorporate drills that will improve your speed, explosiveness, coordination, balance, and core strength - all of which will give you better control over your body and allow to you to move quickly and with precision.
Mental agility is your ability to think, process and react to situations quickly and tactically - to know when to duck, slip, pivot and change your strategy with speed and accuracy. In addition to going through defensive manoeuvres and counter-attacks, our drills keep students on their toes, improving their reflexes, focus, and their ability to react an unpredictable stimulus.
So if you’re keen to take your training to the next level - feel lighter on your feet, become sharper, faster and start fighting smarter - then click on the link in our bio and book in for your next session with us!

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