Personal Training

What’s the fastest way to see progress and achieve your goals for boxing or fitness?
Group classes at Basic Reflex are designed to be a rewarding experience for every single student, led by detailed-oriented, attentive, supportive coaches who focus on teaching technique correctly from the outset. 
But if you’re looking to see progress quickly and work towards your targets - your main motivation for starting boxing in the first place - then personal training is the way to go. 
PT sessions are specifically catered towards you as a person: your learning style, pace, strengths, weaknesses, and the specific goals you have in boxing or for your health & fitness. Whether you started boxing to compete in the ring, lose weight or live a healthier lifestyle, Basic Reflex coaches are here to help you reach your full potential and encourage your personal development along the way.
If there is an area of boxing that you want to focus on, or that you find more difficult than the rest, feel free to share your thoughts with your trainer and they will do their best to accommodate! You might like to focus on your technique with more padwork, improve your agility and reflexes with drills, or just work up a good sweat with a cardio-heavy session - the sky’s the limit!
Personal Trainings are the perfect place for you to fine-tune your technique, ask all the questions you’ve been too shy to ask, correct mistakes you’ve accidentally picked up, focus on all the drills and exercises you enjoy or struggle with, and learn some more complicated moves! You can take all the time you need to break things down and learn step-by-step, focusing on extending your arms fully, pivoting your feet correctly, blocking a punch effectively, or just moving around with agility! Rest assured, you will be met with an endless supply of patience and kindness, as anyone who knows Aman can confirm!

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