Our Teaching Culture

At Basic Reflex, every new skill or technique is taught step-by-step, regardless of its difficulty. Breaking down movements to their component parts allows students to understand the technicalities behind each punch, defence and footwork - and how to perform them in the most effective way. It’s the little details that differentiate a good jab from a great one, an average hook from a powerful one, and a decent block from a game-changing one.

Whether it be a group class or a personal training session, no student is ever left behind. Lessons are tailored to the specific people attending each class, as trainers strive to maintain a thorough understanding of each student’s skill set, fitness level, strengths, exercise preferences, and areas of improvement. We work to answer every question, remedy every mistake, and have the patience to accept the learning process of every client.

What Are Dynamic Stretches?


Our Coaches