Mobility In Boxing

On top of the regular padwork and technique breakdown training our coaches undertake, here at Basic Reflex we place a lot of emphasis on the importance of mobility and flow. Not only do mobility exercises help you to prevent any nasty injuries during training, they also help you be as efficient and perform as best as you possibly can. 
Having great flexibility and mobility when boxing allows your muscles to relax and move better, enabling you to maximise your reach when throwing straights, and increase your strength when throwing hooks. Hip mobility and glute strength contribute greatly to balance, as well as hip rotation and extension when punching. Tight hips and shoulders, combined with high volumes of punches, eventually lead to muscle imbalances that affect your muscles natural range of movement - thus impacting on force transfer.
Mobility, flexibility and flow can really mean the difference between winning and losing in boxing, as they are important components of all defensive and offensive manoeuvres.

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